UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks
The UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks make up the UNESCO Program for cooperation between higher education and research institutions, for the development of skills through the exchange and sharing of knowledge.
Launched in 1992, there are currently circa 950 UNESCO Chairs and 40 UNITWIN networks, in 120 countries. The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Program coordinates the establishment of these partnerships and supports their activities, prioritizing priority areas established within the scope of UNESCO’s competences, that is, education, natural and social sciences, culture and communication.
These Chairs aim to boost emerging areas of study, the creation of new teaching programs and the enrichment of existing university programs, the documentation and dissemination of knowledge, based on the relationship between research, teaching and society, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks that UAb coordinates or participates in
Chair of Global Studies

The UNESCO Chair of Global Studies was created in 2023, by the Center for Global Studies of Universidade Aberta (UAb), based on the relationship between research and teaching.
The Chair of Global Studies aims to understand the processes and dynamics of globalization, focusing on approaches to the role of local, social and cultural diversities. Thus, the Chair promotes an emerging area of studies in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries, taking “global studies” as a reference in accordance with the recommendations of global institutions, namely UNESCO.
Link: https://www.ceg-global.org/#/
Coordinator: José Eduardo Franco
Email: catedraestudosglobais.ceg.uab@gmail.com
UNITWIN UNESCO Chair, The City that Educates and Transforms

The UNITWIN UNESCO Chair, The City that Educates and Transforms, from RICET – International City Network that Educates and Transforms, is led by ISEC Lisbon and was created in 2023.
This Chair aims to fulfill the following objectives:
The promotion of an integrated system of research, training and documentation activities in the area of Educating Cities and the dissemination of knowledge on the concept of an educating city, in order to enable governance models in line with the SDGs;
Research and reflection on practices based on governance models inspired by the concept of Educating Cities and their responses to emerging problems in societies, especially from the perspective of consolidating democracies;
The creation of a Knowledge Network that may allow local governments to offer a diverse range of equitable and fair responses to the problems of contemporary society;
Cooperation and collaboration in the construction of knowledge societies through different strategies of educating cities.
Link: https://unitwin.iseclisboa.pt/
General coordinator: Isabel Cristina Ferreira Neves Baltazar
UAb Coordinator: Ana Patrícia Almeida
Email: catedra.unesco@iseclisboa.pt
UNESCO Chair in Education and Science for Human Development and Well-being (EDUWELL)

The UNESCO Chair in Education and Science for Human Development and Well-being (EDUWELL), at the University of Évora, created in 2021, aims to address technological, educational and scientific knowledge inequalities, which constitute some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century.
Through a multidisciplinary approach based on the areas of Education and Science, it aims to prepare new generations to face the future challenges of a highly competitive global world, focusing on the creation of scholarships, postgraduate programs, short-term training and incentives for research and development of its institutions, as ways of promoting learning, the transfer of knowledge, the creation of opportunities and scientific debate among the various partner entities in a network.
Link: https://www.uevora.pt/investigar/catedras/catedra-unesco-eduwell
General coordinator: Maria Manuela Morais
UAb Coordinator: José das Candeias Montes Sales
Email: catedraeduwell@acad-ciencias.pt