Research units

Center for Global Studies

The Center for Global Studies (CEG-UAb), is a new center created in 2021 and stems from the research work carried out in the last five years within the scope of the FCT Infante D. Henrique Chair for Atlantic Islands Studies and Globalization (CIDH), currently continued in the CIPSH Chair of Global Studies and intends to frame and enhance research in development within the scope of the Doctoral Program in Global Studies, in cooperation with other advanced training programs at Universidade Aberta, and taking into account its international partnerships in operation and the its scientific and pedagogical initiatives, by carrying out research projects with the participation of researchers in advanced training, in close cooperation with national and international experts.

The Center for Global Studies (CEG-UAb) has the general objective of contributing to an adequate understanding of the processes and dynamics of globalization, focusing on the complex relationships between local, national and international contexts, with the purpose of investigating towards a face of globalization more humane and to contribute to a more sustainable development in cultural, social, economic and environmental terms. As a new center that is inscribed in the spirit and dynamics of its time, it assumes, among its values, a strong commitment to the respect for human rights, the freedom of peoples and the fight against imbalances, inequalities and violence, in an inter and transdisciplinar perspective.

The professors and researchers involved in the creation of the CEG-UAb consider innovation to be the main feature of their activities, in line with Universidade Aberta ‘s scientific development strategy. The University’s distance learning model allows for a commitment to the new dynamics of open science and favorable conditions for research in a global context, enabling the creation of a network of stakeholders in this emerging area. The CEG-UAb currently has 253 researchers (208 PhDs).