(Português) Apresentação

Lifelong Learning (LLL), a concept established in 1996 in a Council of Europe report, saw its action program established by Decision 2006/1720/EC of 15.11.2006, adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

As one of the UAb’s strategic priorities, ALV aims, through non-formal courses, to acquire and improve adult competences, skills and knowledge, with a view to building active citizenship and increasing employability.

The mission of UALV, as an organizational unit of the Universidade Aberta comparable to an organic unit, is to organize and manage specific resources in strategic areas for the University, aimed at creating, developing and offering lifelong learning programmes and courses, in articulation with the Departments.




Diretor: Fernando Caetano

Advisory: Telma Viegas
Executive Secretary: Pedro Santos
Administrative Secretary: Ana Pereira

Project Impulso 2025 (PRR) –
Project Manager: Carla Barradas;
Administrative Secretary: Patrícia Almeida; Milena Cunha.