> (Português) Seminário Virtual Europeu em Desenvolvimento Sustentável CREDITS / ECTS: 6 DURATION: 156 horas COORDINATOR: Sandra Caeiro START: 2019-10-14 END: 2020-03-20 APPLICATIONS FROM: 2019-09-20 APPLICATIONS UNTIL: 2019-10-06 COST: 240 € Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. FRAMEWORK: Este seminário, que funcionará totalmente em regime de e-learning, tem como objetivo fomentar o diálogo, entre estudantes europeus, sobre desenvolvimento sustentável, com base na análise, numa perspetiva multidisciplinar, de um conjunto de estudos de caso. Os estudantes, de várias nacionalidades e de universidades a distância e convencionais, serão diretamente confrontados com abordagens distintas à problemática da sustentabilidade, com o objetivo de introduzir alterações na sociedade e deste modo contribuir para a construção de uma Europa mais sustentável. Os estudos de caso habitualmente disponibilizados são: • Inovação na política Europeia de conservação da natureza e Biodiversidade (Open Universiteit, Holanda) • Geoconservação – O Geoparque de Hateg (University of Bucharest, Roménia) • Qualidade de vida versus pressões ambientais na Europa (Charles University, República Checa) • Inovação na política Europeia de conservação da natureza e Biodiversidade (Open Universiteit, Holanda) RECIPIENTS: Estudantes finalistas de um 1º ciclo de estudos superiores, ou a iniciar o 2º ciclo. Nota: O seminário será oferecido aos estudantes do Mestrado em Cidadania Ambiental e Participação da UAb, como unidade curricular opcional, cujo preço de inscrição está incluído nas propinas do mestrado, e cujo processo de inscrição é efetuado separadamente no âmbito do referido mestrado. ATTENDANCE CONDITIONS: • Acesso a computador com ligação à Internet; • Bom domínio do inglês escrito e oral; • Disponibilidade para a utilização de metodologias de aprendizagem, suportadas em novas tecnologias; • Disponibilidade para despender aproximadamente 6 horas por semana no curso e para participar em sessões síncronas. CONTENTS: EVS 2019-2020 - PEQUENO RESUMO DOS TEMAS A ESCOLHER PARA ESTUDO DE CASO: » DEC - Decoupling of Environmental Pressure from Quality of Life When the general quality of life goes up while the environmental pressures go down, we have reached so-called ‘decoupling’. The EU, for example, aims at ‘sustainable growth’ by decoupling economic growth from resource and energy use. There is a large array of indicators representing environmental pressures which are suitable for decoupling analysis. The level of decoupling differs across European countries and across environmental pressure indicators due to factors such as country size, population density, economic structure, etc. The goal of this case study is to compare and explain decoupling of several selected environmental pressure indicators from quality of life across various European countries, and to give recommendations on how to promote further decoupling in the EU. » GEO - Geoconservation in Hateg Country Dinosaur Geopark A European Geopark is defined as a territory with a particular geological heritage, which has a sustainable development plan to help promote local development. The Hateg Country Dinosaur Geopark is located in Southern Transylvania (Romania) near the main routes to Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria. The geopark must become a catalyst for local development in the fields of environment (nature conservation), cultural heritage, traditional economic activities (agriculture, handicrafts), ecotourism, social issues, education and training, raising awareness on European integration and promotion. The goal of this case study is to come up with innovative proposals for the sustainable development of the Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geopark, for example based on a comparison with other geoparks or regional development projects. » NAT – Innovation in European Nature Conservation Policy The EU has a well-established biodiversity conservation policy that has provided major benefits for biodiversity in Europe. With the designation of the major part of the Natura 2000 network of protected nature sites, the main challenge has become the sustainable management of the Natura 2000 sites. The implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives has sparked a lot of debates and the management of Natura 2000 sites faces many challenges. It is therefore important to learn from the successful examples and study how these could be used to stimulate innovation in EU nature conservation policy, to ensure that “European Union biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides are protected, valued and appropriately restored for biodiversity's intrinsic value and for their essential contribution to human wellbeing and economic prosperity.” (EU Biodiversity Strategy - 2050 Vision) The goal of this case study is to identify and analyse successful planning and management practices of Natura 2000 sites in various member states of the EU, and to advise the EU about how its nature conservation policy could be made ready for the future. » UCA - Urban Climate Adaptation Climate change is expected to result in a rise in average temperatures and more extreme weather events. Adaptation is therefore a key element in urban climate policies. Major challenges that European cities need to address in preparing for the future climate are urban heat islands and storm water flooding at local level. For urban climate adaptation to be successful, multiple stakeholders need to collaborate coherently across different sectors and levels of government. Regional, national and EU governments and organizations need to provide the political, legislative and financial framework in which local and regional implementers can act. The goal of this case study is to analyze and compare the current situation in selected European cities (by describing anticipated climate change impacts, governmental adaptation policies, hindering and stimulating factors, multi-actor collaboration initiatives etc.), and to make concrete recommendations on how to (better) develop and implement urban climate adaptation policies. LAST UPDATE: Thursday September 19th, 2019