For more information, please consult:
Guia de Curso
Course Guide
Promotional brochure (En)
Video (en)
Video (es)
Online application, with the following documents attached in digital format:
- Identification document.
The form may be written in Portuguese. We recommend using a web translator like the one available in Google Chrome. You can change the language Chrome uses and have Chrome translate web pages for you. How to HERE
If you use Mozilla Firefox please go to “How to add translate feature to Firefox”
Enrollment and Course Access
The result of your application (accepted/not accepted) will be communicated to your email. If you are accepted, your registration will be done automatically without having to worry about this administrative issue.
Until the beginning of the Course, you will receive in your email instructions on how to proceed in the next steps of this training (reception of access credentials to the e-learning Platform and Academic Portal for payment of the tuition fee).
Cancellation of Enrollment
At Universidade Aberta there is no possibility of suspension of registration, by request of the student. According to its regulations, if a student intends not to continue studies in a specific course, he/she should formally request the cancellation of his/her registration.
The absence of this explicit indication by the student does not allow the University to know that the student is not active, continuing to accumulate debt, thus preventing him from enrolling again in the same course or in other courses offered by the institution without paying the debt.