
More than Human – Challenging human centred worldviews and engaging with relational worldviews in higher education to fight climate change


Recent research (Lozano et al. 2022) has shown that traditional pedagogies are not effective in fostering the development of sustainability competences, such as systems thinking and values thinking, and enabling behavioural change for active engagement in sustainability, individual preferences and cultural values. The recent European Sustainability Competence Framework emphasises that   competences such as embodying, embracing complexity, envisioning future and acting for sustainability to be achieved, pedagogies must be grounded in innovative and effective approaches (Bianchi et al., 2022). Thus, there is a need for professional development of higher education teaching staff to learn about innovative teaching and learning practices in higher education.

The overall objective of this project is to further develop the sustainability competences of higher education teachers so they in turn educate future generations to co-create knowledge for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society that actively fights against climate change. This project supports the higher education sector to become even more interconnected, innovative and digital by strengthening the links between education, research and innovation. Moreover, it provides networking opportunities and inspiration for related projects and research in the field of sustainability education.

This will be accomplished through the following project results:

  • A Sustainability Pedagogy Framework that stimulates innovative teaching & learning practices and addresses sustainability competences to fight against climate change.
  • A Community Open Online Teacher Education (COOTE) programme for higher education where educators learn about the Sustainability Pedagogy Framework and how to apply it in their teaching practice.
  • Creating an interactive, and open access Sustainability Pedagogy Centre that includes tutorials, ready-to-use materials, step-by-step methodologies, discussion forums, and video testimonials of educators who have had experience with such pedagogies.
  • Organise one MoreThanHuman Teaching Talk online. This talk will invite experts in the field to a podium discussion and it may be complemented with seminars/workshops.