The OpenEU Alliance, coordinated by the Universitat Oberta of Catalonia, brings the main European distance education universities together with face-to-face universities, in a joint effort for digital transformation. The Alliance is committed to creating a pan-European, student-centred, inclusive, digital and green distance learning university.
The rectors of the 10 member universities met in Barcelona recently to discuss the final details of the proposal to be submitted at the Erasmus+ call European Universities. During the meeting, they signed the renewal of the Joint Mission Declaration, proof of the commitment at the highest institutional level to the common mission, vision and objectives of the Alliance.
For the rector of the Universidade Aberta, Professor Carla Padrel de Oliveira, “the European consortium will contribute significantly to the digital transformation of the European higher education ecosystem, as well as to the European lifelong learning landscape, covering more diverse audiences”.”
The Alliance core is composed by eight distance education universities and two European face-to-face universities: Bifröst University, Iceland; Daugavpils University, Latvia; FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany; Hellenic Open University, Greece; Open Universiteit, The Netherlands; Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain; Universidade Aberta, Portugal; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain; and St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
The Alliance also counts with 17 associated partners, including universities, networks, civil society and industrial and business associations. OpenEU is committed to strengthening the digital and inclusive dimension in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).