Globalização como Problema. Temas de Estudos Globais (Globalization as a Problem. Themes of Global Studies) is the first work of the collection Global Studies – Understanding Globalization, a publication coordinated by José Eduardo Franco and João Relvão Caetano, professors at Universidade Aberta of Portugal.
The e-book addresses the term “globalization” as a new paradigm of multidisciplinary and multidimensional knowledge based on the pioneering concept of “global village” of the Canadian Marshall McLuhan in the 60s of the last century.
In the presentation of the collection, the authors introduce the concept of “globalology” as “a science that seeks to understand the world in globalization process, in its history and in the complexity of its present state, characterized by the movements of exchange and by the interactions among the human communities spread throughout the planet Earth, which have generated, and continue to generate, interrelations, inter-interactions and metamorphoses in the most diverse dimensions (cultural, economic, political , religious, social)’.
This issue counts with the participation of reference authors in Portugal and abroad, such as Adriano Moreira, José Renato Gonçalves, Carlos Carreto, Alberto Vieira, Eduardo Paz Ferreira, Onésimo Teotónio Almeida, João Costa, José Carlos Seabra Pereira, António Mega Ferreira, Gonçalo M. Tavares, Lilian Jacoto and Valérie Devillard.
The e-book can be downloaded here.