The project E&I (Employment and Inclusion) – Sharing good educational practices and systematising a training competences programme for employment and inclusion for vulnerable adult people, tried to give a solution to the European problem of unemployment and the social exclusion, affecting particularly adults and vulnerable groups.
The objectives were accepted and well-known among our partnership, real, plausible, necessary and quantifiable, as well as a constant reference when it came to each decision made:
1-To find any teaching need concerning transversal competences for employability in adults at risk of exclusion
2-To exchange of experiences in educational planning and teaching vulnerable adults
3-To sketch a training plan for the development and the improvement of the competences that are found in shortfall
4-To implement courses and activities within the framework of that plan in our centres and other institutions
5-To assess and exchange the outcome
6-To systematise and expand our plan to the region’s educational services
Our aims were conceived accordingly to the European policies about the three key questions that affect the Union: demography and migrations, economy and employment, and sustainable technologic development. The European Commission (2010) talks about “an intelligent, sustainable and socially integrating growth” -Strategy 2020-. Our partner institutions, such as the UAb, addressed the principles of the strategic framework: “lifelong” Education and Training 2020 (European Council 2009) and the guidelines about permanent learning, promotion of adult learning, the use of ICTs and expanding mobility among teaching trainers.
An INTERNATIONAL approach was necessary in order to find solutions to problems that are shared by all European countries: high unemployment levels link to the need for doing away with all kinds of exclusion (Brussels 17.9.2015 COM. 2015 – 462 final) and stand out to be priorities in education. Current and future people’s mobility rates make it essential to find transnational connections.
This project emerged from the educationally-linked experiences by each of our partners. In sharing everyday practices from an INTERNATIONAL approach the applicable training plan was strengthened and could be systematically implemented.
More Info:
ERASMUS+ Project Card