IncluDE – A European Inclusion Reference Framework for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity O projeto IncluDE cria um Quadro de Referência de Inclusão para as instituições de ensino superior, juntamente com instrumentos orientados para a… Ler +
AIT – Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning The project aimed to identify and analyse Artificial Intelligence (AI) best practices in High Education in three countries and to develop a… Ler +
UNITEL – Modernisation and internationalisation of Iranian HEIs via collaborative TEL-based curriculum development in engineering and STEM UNITEL has the aim to modernise Engineering and STEM curricula in the PC HEIs involved in the project thanks to the development… Ler +
OPEN GAME – Promoting Open Education through Gamification The projetc aimed to contribute to the uptake of Open Education Resources (OER) and Open Education Practices (OEP) among educators in Higher… Ler +
PROF XXI – Construcción de capacidades para el desarrollo de Centros de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje para las Universidades de Latinoamérica en el Siglo XXI The PROF-XXI project aims to build capacities for the development of Teaching and Learning Centres (TLCs) in the HEIs of America Latina,… Ler +
EduTech – Asistencia tecnológica a la accesibilidad en la Educación Superior Virtual The action is intended to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the partner countries by contributing to their… Ler +