
Cooperation and scientific, technical and cultural exchange with similar national and international institutions is one of the strategic areas of Universidade Aberta.

The University’s commitment to external relations has resulted in: i) numerous protocols and partnerships, with national and foreign entities; ii) active participation in e-learning training projects; iii) as well as conventional and virtual mobility activities for both collaborators and students.

The external relations are also reflected in the organization and co-organization of multiple meetings and conferences, contributing to the University’s international projection.

Universidade Aberta’s international activities are thus varied and extensive and take place above all in Europe but also Africa, Asia, and America.

The cooperation with European countries takes place mainly within the framework of community initiatives, such as the Erasmus+ Programme. The participation in research projects in the scope of distance learning and new communication and information technologies is one of the main areas of action of this University, increasingly assuming its role as a leading virtual higher education institution at national and international levels.

Outside the European area, the international activities of Universidade Aberta are carried out under various protocols and agreements signed with other higher education institutions, as well as public and private bodies, and are primarily intended for the dissemination of the Portuguese language and culture.

In Asia, Universidade Aberta is present in Macau through the City University of Macau (UCM), which offers courses in Chinese, English, and Portuguese language, the latter constituting the pedagogical offer of Universidade Aberta. In Timor, the University participates in activities developed by the Distance Learning Center (CEaD), and promotes courses aimed at training teachers, educational agents, and employees of the Timorese public administration. This training is under the responsibility of Universidade Aberta, in partnership with other bodies, such as the National Institute of Administration, and is provided remotely, via videoconference, with trainees meeting at the DEaD in Dili.

Among the activities carried out in Africa, the cooperation projects between Universidade Aberta and the network of Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) stand out, aimed at meeting the local needs regarding formal education and lifelong learning, as is the case of Cape Verde, Angola, and Mozambique. The number of students from these countries enrolling in formal degrees at Universidade Aberta has been increasing as well as the requests for collaboration by national, regional, and other organizations to which CEaD responds with study programs aimed at different groups of Angola’s active population, in areas such as: training of public administration and business sector staff, professional training and knowledge updating in higher education.