
LIVORNO Honorary Consulate of Portugal Contact: Laura Buselli Address: Laviosa Chimica Mineraria SPA, Via Leonardo da Vinci 21, 57123 Livorno,...


DUBLIN Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal Address: 70 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4, Ireland Phone: +353 16 699...

The Netherlands

THE HAGUE Embassy of Portugal Teaching Coordination Contact: Luísa Dutra (Portuguese Teaching Coordination Assistant Address: Zeestraat – 74, 2518 AD...


BISSAU Embassy of Portugal Camões – Centro Cultural Português Address: Av. Cidade de Lisboa, CP 276 - Bissau Phone: +245...

United States of America

NEWARK Consulate-General of Portugal Address: The Legal Center At One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 40, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA Phone:...

United Arab Emirates

ABU DHABI Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal Address: Marina Office Park, Vila A-12, Abu Dhabi Phone: +971 265...


MONTREAL Consulate-General of Portugal Address: 2020, boul. Robert-Bourassa, #2425, Montreal (Québec) H3A 2A5, Canada Phone: +1 514 499 0359 Fax:...

Cape Verde

PRAIA - SANTIAGO University of Cape Verde Contact: Dr. Osvaldino Barros Address: Campus do Palmarejo, Caixa Postal 279, Praia, ilha...


BELO HORIZONTE Consulate of Portugal Address: Rua Antônio Albuquerque, 271 -14º floor, Savassi, 30112-101 Belo Horizonte, MG E-mail: BRASILIA Embassy...


BRUSSELS Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal Teaching Service Address: Avenue de Cortenbergh 12, 1040 Bruxelas Phone: +32 228...


SYDNEY Consulate-General of Portugal Address: Level 15, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney N.S.W. 2000, Australia Phone: +61 292 622 199 |...


ALGIERS Embassy of Portugal Address: 3, Boulevard du 11 décembre 1960, Val d’Hydra, El-Biar – Alger Phone: +213 (0) 219...


BIÉ IMN MARISTA S. JOSÉ Cidade do Kuito. Província do Bié Address: Rua Artur de Paiva, República de Angola Phone:...


BERLIN Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal Contact: Fátima da Silva (Teaching Coordinator) Address: ZimmerStrasse 56 D – 10117...

South Africa

CAPE TOWN Consulate-General of Portugal Address: Suite 1005, Standard Bank Center, 10th Fl., Main Tower, Hertzog Blv., 8001 Cape Town...


TEL-AVIV Embassy of Portugal Address: 32, HaArba St., Southern Tower, 26th Floor, Tel-Aviv Phone: +972 3 695 63 73 /...


ATHENS Embassy of Portugal Address: Av. Vassilissis Sofias, nº 23, 2nd floor, 106 74 Athens Phone: 0030 210 729 0061...


BORDEAUX Consulate-General of Portugal Address: 11, rue Henri Rödel, 33000 Bordeaux Phone: +33 556 006 828 Fax: +33 556 524...


BARCELONA Consulate-General of Portugal Address: Ronda de San Pedro, n.7, 1º andar, Barcelona Phone: 0034 609 301 101 E-mail:


CAIRO Embassy of Portugal Address: 12A Hassan Sabry Str., 9th floor, Zamalek Phone: +20 227 350 779/781 | +20 227...
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