Universities Portugal

Universities Portugal is the brand that unites the most prestigious Portuguese public Universities, from the north to the south of the country, which aims to boost Portugal in the international market, presenting the country as a competitive destination to start or continue higher studies.

The Universities Portugal brand represents the following 16 Portuguese public universities:

In the Lisbon region, one of the safest and most economical capitals in Europe, the Lisbon Region Consortium of the “Universities Portugal – Connecting Knowledge” project brings together five of the most distinguished Universities, positioned in the main international rankings: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade de Lisboa and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

Flyer Universities Portugal – Estudar em Lisboa

Project ID




Ebook “Models for Internationalization of higher education: towards inclusive universities and sustainable communities | 24/09/2023

Conference of the Lisbon Consortium | 22/06/2023

Webinar Models for Internationalization of Higher Education: towards inclusive universities and sustainable communities | 24/01/2022

Virtual Fair Viva Portugal | 21/10/2021

Webinar Oportunidades Sem Fronteiras | 24/06/2021

Virtual Fair  Estude em Portugal | 15/04/2021



Project Universities Portugal – Connecting Knowledge

 Lisbon Region Consortium

North, Centre and Alentejo Regions Consortium   

Contact at Universidade Aberta: 

Communication and International Relations Office | gcri@uab.pt