IncluDE – A European Inclusion Reference Framework for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity O projeto IncluDE cria um Quadro de Referência de Inclusão para as instituições de ensino superior, juntamente com instrumentos orientados para a… Ler +
More than Human – Challenging human centred worldviews and engaging with relational worldviews in higher education to fight climate change Um estudo recente (Lozano et al. 2022) mostrou que as pedagogias tradicionais não são eficazes na promoção do desenvolvimento de competências de… Ler +
APECHE – Assessing and Promoting Environmental Culture in Higher Education O projeto APECHE – Assessing and Promoting Environmental Culture in Higher Education, tem como principal objetivo proporcionar uma melhor compreensão da Literacia… Ler +
FLeD – Learning design for flexible education Teachers’ digital competence has indisputably evolved throughout the COVID pandemic, and learning design has become more complex. There is a gap in… Ler +
AECED – Transforming Education for Democracy through Aesthetic and Embodied Learning – Responsive Pedagogies and Democracy-as-becoming Education for democracy gives little attention to nurturing those aesthetic, affective and embodied roots of democracy. This is because the learning theory… Ler +
WAY – Promover a aprendizagem autorregulada dos alunos nas aulas através da observação entre pares O projeto WAY (Quem te viu e quem te vê! ) – Promover a aprendizagem autorregulada dos alunos nas aulas através da… Ler +
UAb Impulso2025 O Projeto Impulso 2025 surge através do financiamento do PRR/União Europeia (Next Generation) e da aliança estratégica com empregadores, que colaboraram na criação de… Ler +
TIA – Tourism International Academy O projeto TIA – Tourism International Academy, apresentado ao Programa IMPULSO JOVENS STEAM e IMPULSO ADULTOS no âmbito do PRR – Plano… Ler +
CRED4TEACH – MOOC-based micro-credentialing for teacher professional development Micro-credentials can help teachers expand and validate their learning experience and to receive recognition once they achieved a milestone in their professional… Ler +
ASSISTANT – Challenge Based Learning in AI Enhanced Digital Transformation Curricular The aim of the project is to increase the support for learners by using artificial intelligence technologies and to update the curriculum… Ler +
FAVILLE – FAcilitators of VIrtual Learning FAVILLE project aimed to intervene in a constantly growing e-learning and virtual learning industry. The aim of the project was achieved by… Ler +
AIT – Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning The project aimed to identify and analyse Artificial Intelligence (AI) best practices in High Education in three countries and to develop a… Ler +
Tutoria Virtual – O tutor virtual artefacto mediador da aprendizagem no ensino superior online O projeto pretendeu analisar o impacto pedagógico resultante da integração de interfaces antropomórficas com características emocionais, também denominadas Agentes Virtuais Encapsulados (ECA)… Ler +
ARDES – Short Learning Program for “ARt & DEsign & Sustainability with special focus on environment and climate change” The project develops and validates a short learning program (SLP) for higher education about Art, Design & Sustainability. This SLP aims to… Ler +
ENiD TEACH – European network in D-flexible teaching The main objective of the project is the digital training of academics in digital pedagogies, and the involvement of this community in… Ler +
MCE – Modular Continuing Higher Education by Microcredentials MCE will contribute to the further conceptualization of microcredentials as cornerstones for the expansion of continuous education and professional development (CEPD) and… Ler +
DIGEQUALGENDER – Promover a literacia digital como estratégia para a igualdade de género no 1º ciclo da educação básica A investigação pretende promover a literacia digital como estratégia para a igualdade de género no 1º ciclo da educação básica, aproveitando o… Ler +
INCLUSIVE MEMORY – Inclusive Museums for well-being and health through the creation of a new shared memory The project aims at promoting the building of a common shared social memory realised through a museum based social inclusive system, through… Ler +
FYT-ID – Cinquenta anos de docência – Fatores de mudança e diálogos intergeracionais Informado pelo desenvolvimento do profissionalismo dos professores e a valorização da profissão docente, este projeto tem o objetivo geral de criar resultados… Ler +
REVEALING – Use of Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLEs) in Higher Education The project aims at developing a set of Virtual Reality Learning Environment (VRLE) models powered by the open-source Virtual Reality (VR) social… Ler +
HYBOT – Enhancing hybrid teaching in higher education through chatbots HYBOT project aims at empowering HEI teachers to create and implement hybrid teaching scenarios supported with chatbots. Specific objectives are: 1. To… Ler +
IDEAS – Innovative Digital Education and Skills The innovative aspects of the project lie in the development of a micro-credentialed teacher training course offering bite-sized modules that will be… Ler +
R4C – (Re)Search for Career: Intervenção de carreira à distância, empregabilidade e equidade social no acesso ao mercado de trabalho O Projeto R4C pretende estudar os recursos de carreira de estudantes universitários e desenvolver e avaliar uma intervenção de carreira a distância… Ler +
RAPIDE – Reimagining a Positive Direction for Education During the COVID-19 pandemic, shifting rapidly to home-schooling and remote learning made it necessary for educators to adapt to new forms of… Ler +
Roteiro Entre-Marés Com este projeto pretende-se atuar ao nível da valorização dos recursos naturais e culturais ligados à costa portuguesa, especificamente à zona entre-marés,… Ler +
COMPLEX TRAJECTORIES – Promoting students’ successful trajectories in Higher Education Institutions (face-to-face and online) The Complex Trajectories Project focuses on understanding the complex trajectories of students at university and supporting those who navigate them. In the… Ler +
UNITEL – Modernisation and internationalisation of Iranian HEIs via collaborative TEL-based curriculum development in engineering and STEM UNITEL has the aim to modernise Engineering and STEM curricula in the PC HEIs involved in the project thanks to the development… Ler +
CODA EU – Certification of Causes of Death in Europe The project aims at developing new innovative pedagogies that concern the rules of World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as good practices… Ler +
EUSTEPS – Enhancing Universities’ Sustainability TEaching and Practices through Ecological Footprint The main objectives of the project Enhancing Universities’ Sustainability TEaching and Practices through Ecological Footprint (EUSTEPs) are to: 1) educate European university… Ler +
CALOHEX – Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe – Extension The project builds on the experience and outcomes of the TUNING – CALOHEE Project. The project outcomes intend to strengthen the position… Ler +
OPEN GAME – Promoting Open Education through Gamification The projetc aimed to contribute to the uptake of Open Education Resources (OER) and Open Education Practices (OEP) among educators in Higher… Ler +
MAEE – Mecanismos de mudança nas escolas e na Inspeção. Um estudo sobre o 3º ciclo de Avaliação Externa de Escolas no Ensino Não Superior em Portugal Face à implementação do 3º ciclo de Avaliação Externa de Escolas (AEE) do ensino não superior (2017-2021) em Portugal, o projeto de… Ler +
KML2 – Laboratório de Tecnologias e aprendizagem de programação e robótica no Pré-Escolar e 1º Ciclo de Ensino Básico Esta investigação pretende estudar como integrar a programação e a robótica no ensino pré-escolar e primário, transversal a todas as áreas do… Ler +
SCReLProg – Auto e Corregulação na Aprendizagem Online de Programação de Computadores Este projeto visa adaptar e desenvolver a abordagem SimProgramming para o contexto de eLearning, para identificar e compreender de que forma as… Ler +
PROF XXI – Construcción de capacidades para el desarrollo de Centros de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje para las Universidades de Latinoamérica en el Siglo XXI The PROF-XXI project aims to build capacities for the development of Teaching and Learning Centres (TLCs) in the HEIs of America Latina,… Ler +
EduTech – Asistencia tecnológica a la accesibilidad en la Educación Superior Virtual The action is intended to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the partner countries by contributing to their… Ler +
MINE – Mobile learning in higher education Mobile technologies are an important part of our daily life and we carry them all the time with us. Mobile learning is… Ler +
CROSSCUT – Cross-curricular teaching The CROSSCUT project aimed at supporting secondary-level teachers’ professional development by training them to develop and implement innovative cross-curricular approaches, in order… Ler +
E-SLP – European SLP for continuous professional development and lifelong learning EUROPEAN SHORT LEARNING PROGRAMMES addressed the implementation of short learning programmes as a main part of continuing education/continuous professional development and lifelong… Ler +
4ArtPreneur – Innovative thinking competences for Creative Art entrepreneurship 4ArtPreneur – Innovative thinking competences for Creative Art entrepreneurship (Ref: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-081947) é um projeto que promove a educação de competências para o… Ler +